Have a Hot Air Balloon Party

Whether you are having a hot air balloon party for a kid's birthday or just a fun get together, there are so many things that you can do to really make the day special. Hot air balloon cakes, cookies, and decorations will give the party the exact type of feeling you are looking for. However, there are some contributions to the party that you may not have considered, but will fit in nonetheless such as renting a bounce house from
Astro Jump Chattanooga to liven up the party.
Bounce Houses Help Kids Take Off
When your theme is all about hot air balloons, kids are going to be imagining taking off from the ground and heading towards the sky. A bounce house can help them do that. For example, inside the Superman bounce house, kids can pretend to take off in their hot air balloon together and end up flying so high that they pass Superman. Maybe Superman will even come over and give them a ride without the hot air balloon!
Another great thing about bounce houses is that they are brightly colored and will fit into the fun and color scheme of a hot air balloon party. Regardless of the theme, all bounce houses come in the colors red, yellow, and purple to appeal to kids and adults alike.
Activities That Don't Necessarily Fit The Theme But Are Still Fun
While it can be easy to come up with a ton of ideas for food and decorations at your hot air balloon party, activities can be a different story. Since activities are important to keep everyone entertained and participating in the party, you may want to bring in some fun and exciting activities that every guest will love.
For instance, Spin Art is a way to allow kids to create an awesome piece of artwork without having to do a lot of gluing or constructing. Kids simply choose a color, pour their color over a spinning canvas, and come away with an original piece of artwork that they can sign and post on their fridge for everyone to see. The great thing about this activity is that after all your hard work creating the decorations and food, there is not a lot of cleanup.
If you have some prizes available for kids, then you may want to add something like a ring toss to your party. Each color on the ring toss can earn participants a different prize. This will allow kids to test their tossing skills and aim for the color of their choice, and all kids will love the prize at the end! Plus, kids will cheer each other on during the game and make this an activity that keeps everyone interested.
You can also set up a game of can smash beside the ring toss to allow kids to practice their aiming skills before they try their luck for the prize they really want on the ring toss. This is the classic game where kids throw a total of three bean bags in an attempt to knock over all the cans.
Don't Be Scared To Add The Above Things To Your Party
When it comes to a hot air balloon party, your mind may be strictly focused on all things that match that theme; however, by allowing the above activities into your party, you will not ruin the theme. A bounce house rental from
Astro Jump Chattanooga and fun activities will complement the theme in a positive way and still make your party very unique.