Have A Fun Graduation Party With Your Best Friends

Graduation is just a few weeks away and it seems that you need to start making preparations, especially if you plan on having a great private Graduation Party where everyone you know will come. No one denies the fact that going to a club with your classmates and partying there isn't cool, but let's face it the after party sounds much better because you'll be able to do things that are just impossible to do in a club.
Water slide
If your friend has a villa and has invited you over along with everyone else in your class, then there's a high chance the villa has a pool. While diving in the pool and doing "the bomb" is going to be a lot of fun, having a water slide from
Astro Jump that connects to the pool is a much better idea. Imagine sliding down it and then landing directly into the pool face down. Everyone watching you is going to laugh! There are many ways you can slide down and take a dip in the pool. Throw in some beach balls and the girls will jump right in for a fun game everyone is going to enjoy!
Cotton candy machine
Well you may not be a kid anymore, but would you turn down delicious sweets if someone were to give you some? I guess not! This is especially the case if your friend who owns the villa has a younger brother who will decide to invite some of his friends as well. But hey, no one says that you need to be a certain age in order to enjoy some cotton candy, so you might as well get in line and get some. Don't forget to have some beverages ready, since the sweet taste will have you begging for a cold drink right away.
Obstacle course
Lying around chatting and enjoying delicious food and drinks is something no one will complain about, but if you feel like you want to do something physical, then how about organizing an obstacle course with the guys and racing one another? It's a great way to change the mood of the party and have everyone excited about this competition where boys and girls alike can race one another.
For the big prize, well, you may want to think of something that's a bit special. For example, the winner may get a very special treat such as a delicious cake, but if that's not possible, maybe a money prize would be better. At the end of the day though, all that matters is the experience so just have fun and enjoy this special day.
Having fun at the Graduation Party you've invited all your friends to is a must, since this is a very special day in your life that you're going to remember for a very long time. Call
Astro Jump to help you ensure that your party rentals will be ready when the cavalry arrives and that you have plenty of cold beverages for everyone to enjoy!